by John Moodie | Feb 22, 2023 | Blog
In the beginning, Jah created man in his image and likeness, making man not only human but spiritual, and most importantly Jah made man divine. Since he made man in his image and likeness, Jah must therefore be human, spiritual, and divine. Jesus of Nazareth found...
by John Moodie | Jan 22, 2023 | Blog, Poetry
Harriet Tubman “MISS MINTY” a warrior the father called. A hero, in my people’s struggles, history will recall Answer the fathers summoned to bring his people home From the grip of the slave master’s hold Born a slave, you were a slave, was how...
by John Moodie | Jan 22, 2023 | Poetry
Cry !! Cry !! Oh, children of Africa Let your tears flood the river nile Let your mourns be heard by the wind And let Africa ris For too long oh mother, land You have allowed us to roam wild To long, we have slaved for the world It’s time, oh mother take us home...