by John Moodie | Jun 17, 2023 | Poetry, Uncategorized
Marvel not upon the colors of I crown. It reveals more than the naked eyes behold. more than a weak heart can withstand. Upon it ruled the Conquering Lion As a child of the sun, I remind the world of the rainbow: As a child of Africa, The Liberation flag I hold. As a...
by John Moodie | Jun 17, 2023 | Poetry
In the beginning there was no word There was an experience before the word. It was Jah who had a thought. and from that thought came the word Jah for sure experience the world Knowing that his experience and word must pass through. Many came and carried their share...
by John Moodie | May 15, 2023 | Blog, Marcus Garvey Speech
You can enslave with guns for 300 years the bodies of men, You can shackle the hands of men, and you can shackle the feet of men but you can’t shackle or imprison the minds of men. They do not know what we are capable of, they do not know what we are thinking...
by John Moodie | Apr 15, 2023 | Blog
Jesus of Nazareth return to earth as a son, for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given, and as a father…. the everlasting Father… and the Almighty God. Isaiah 9: 6. Manifestation of the holy Trinity, Power and might of the holy Trinity. Haile...
by John Moodie | Mar 16, 2023 | Poetry
Oh mighty warrior of Jah You are summoned to be a Rastafari. You have found favor in Jah’s sight And is called to be a warrior Let the words of your mouth, And the meditations of your heart Be accepted in Jah sight Armor yourself with Righteous and truth The...